Vertical Marathon World Championship

Running 13 floors non-stop up and down, again and over again is most certainly extremely strenuous for everybody. Running from floor to floor via the staircase covers the complete distance of a marathon.

For 13 floors this means 194 times up and down without any pause.

This is the peak of exertion.

The name of the new World Champion 2018 in vertical marathon is André Weinand from Rust in Baden-Würtemberg. He won at the recent event in Hanover. LUXXprofile sponsored the event in combination with LUXXprofile Master and event host Horst Liebetruth.

Each participant filled out the LUXXprofile and received an individual personality profile. The individual results are being analyzed and will soon be published. “We are expecting interesting data and most likely some surprises. We are especially excited to learn, whether apart from the desire for physical exercise we will identify any other dominant trait that pushes people to such performance levels”, comments Peter Boltersdorf, Managing Director of LUXXunited GmbH.