var datePickerCulture = 'en';var DeleteBlogType = 'Do you want to delete this blogtype?';var ActivateMasterQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to (re)activate this master?';var DeleteRoleQuestion = 'Do you want to delete the selected role from the account?';var ToolboxDataSheet = 'Data sheet for multiple respondents';var NumberValidation = 'This is not a valid number';var DeleteNotificationQuestion = 'Do you want to delete this notification?';var ResetUserPasswordQuestion = 'Do you want to reset the password for this user?';var ToolboxCompareMotives = 'Compare 2 motives for multiple respondents';var TranslationsErasePersonalData = 'Would you like to erase all personal data and the test completely? This action can not be reversed!';var WebsiteCookieText = 'This website uses cookies for analytical purposes and to show you personal content. By staying on this page, you declare your agreement with this procedure. You can deregister from this procedure by installing a Google plugin. On this site you can install the Google analytics opt-out plugin.';var DeleteFileQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?';var TranslationsDeleteBlog = 'Are you sure you want to delete this blog?';var DeleteSeminar = 'Do you want to delete this seminar?';var ToolboxWishProfileGenerator = 'Wish Profile generator';var DeleteWishProfileQuestion = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this wish profile with all settings?';var RequiredFieldValidation = 'This is a required field';var DeleteMasterQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to delete this master?';var ToolboxComparePersons = 'Compare more persons in a single graph';var TranslationsResetAllLanguages = 'You are about to reset all translations for this record with the translation in the master database. Do you want to do this?';var DeleteSeminarType = 'Do you want to delete this seminartype?';var BlockMasterQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to block this master?';var DeleteElementQuestion = 'Do you want tot delete the selected element from the report?';var DeleteInvoiceQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to delete this invoice?';var ClearFromNewTranslations = 'This action will delete this translation from the new translations list. Any unsafed changes will be lost. Do you want to proceed?';var DeleteRelationQuestion = 'Do you want to delete the selected relation from the account?';var TranslationsResetSurvey = 'You are about to reset all translations from this complete survey for all available cultures with the translations from the master database. Do you want to do this?';var TranslationsResetOneLanguage = 'You are about to reset this translation with the translation in the master database. Do you want to do this?';var DeleteWebsiteItemQuestion = 'Do you want to delete this item from the website?';var EmailValidation = 'Please enter a valid email address';var ForgetMeQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to delete your personal data definitive?';var TranslationsArchiveTest = 'Are you sure you want to archive this test?';var DeleteSupportQuestion = 'Do you want to delete the selected partner to provide support?';var PublishArticleNow = 'Do you want to publish the article now?';var DeleteFolderQuestion = 'Are you sure you want to delete this folder?';var TranslationsDepersonalizeTest = 'Are you sure you want to depersonalize the test? This action can not be reversed!';var DeleteArticleQuestion = 'Do you want to delete this article?';var DeleteUserQuestion = 'Do you want to delete this user from the system?';var TranslationsResetTest = 'You are about to reset this questionnaire. The current ticket can not be used if you proceed.';var DateValidation = 'This is not a valid date';