LUXXprofile Motive POWER

From service provision to consulting

By Peter Boltersdorf, managing partner of the LUXXunited GmbH

The motive POWER quite often is the focal point of social observation. Many people believe that this motive accounts for the pivotal theme in management.

It is correct, that this motive offers a clear conclusion whether a person basically likes to make statements, take decisions in regards to others and whether he or she needs responsibility and leadership. All these factors are supposed to achieve a perceptible impact on others and, in many cases, achieve this quickly.

This is the ‚consultant’ in the classical sense, who tells others what to do.

This however, is only one side (red) of the expression of the motive according to the LUXXprofile.

We can find quite the opposite on the other side of the scale (blue). We often meet the ‘service provider’ here. Many people with a low score on the POWER motive usually do not make decisions in open situations. They rather prefer to carry out decisions made by others. This is the reason they genuinely ask: “What can I do for you?” The true message behind this question is: “I am not sure what I am supposed to do, please explain it to me.” Furthermore, people with a low score usually act once they have sufficient knowledge in regards what to do and what not to do.

Conclusion: When a person is required to make decisions and exercise leadership in many occasions, a high (red) score on the motive POWER is helpful. In the case of a comprehensive requirement for ‘service provision’ a blue, or low score is a good basis.