Case Study

Team development

“In the past I though I had to manage the team. Now they basically manage themselves.“


The team leader was tasked to set up a strong team within a short timeframe. New assignments and processes, demanding objectives and new staff: the new realities after restructuring were supposed to come alive. Targeted impetuses to quickly bring the team to perform were required.  


Individually meet employees ‘where they stand’.

Individual LUXXprofile reports uncovered the individual potential of each team member. This formed the basis for the team lead to individually address each team member, take him or her seriously, indicate the individual opportunities and thus motivate them. The LUXXprofile team profile also showed how the different potentials could be put to use and how the diversity within the team could be approached and reviewed in order to completely activate the whole team.

”I approached each team member individually. Based on the knowledge of his or her personality we discussed the options. After a very short time I noticed: The people wanted to take lead instead of being led.”

Team manager


The result after 100 days: Team of the month.

Each team member knows his/her strengths and also knows how to best employ them in order to reach the team targets. Once the team is under way and smoothly operating the team manager can concentrate to create the framework to reach high team performance. Also internal customers will notice the effect: Due to the fast and high-quality results they honor the team with the ‘team of the month’ award.

Case Study

Change Management

“LUXXprofile enabled us to find a common language”.


More than 9% sickness rate and work-to-rule.

Staff motivation had reached bottom low at a hospital. Hierarchical thinking, staff shortage and low cooperation between wards were some of the problems management had identified as sources for the demotivation. Faced with such a complex situation the question was raised: Where to start the change process?  


Identify the emotional needs and reveal their sources

The results of the individual LUXXprofiles of most of the employees showed a very high desire for social acceptance, structure and predictability. The hospital started to analyze the existing processes and adapted them. They also introduced a new staff roster system that was able to react faster on staff shortage. Medical and administrative staff also started to integrate ‘daily dosages of praise’ in their day-to-day dealings with their employees.

“Without the LUXXprofile we would have continued to examine the symptoms but would have never identified the reasons. Our cultural change finally got the direction right.”

Director of Medical and Health Care


5 % less sickness rate and 10% higher employee satisfaction

KPIs improved within a few months. But the sustainable change in corporate culture was even more important for the management: Thinking along the LUXXprofile motives makes it easier to see the individual and to appreciate him or her in a much better way. Furthermore, employees are able to treat their patients respectfully on the basis of this attitude. As the situation and atmosphere in the hospital improved it became increasingly easier to find and employ qualified personnel.  

Case Study


“Recruiting with LUXXprofile perfectly matches our meaningful corporate culture.”


Development of a strong employer brand that radiates internally and externally.

As headquarters are distant from the urban centers, the mid-size technology leader faces problems attracting engineers and software developers.  


A meaningful corporate culture connected to a recruitment process that respects the cultural fit.

Applicants receive their personal LUXXprofile inclusive of the assessment discussion during the application process. On this basis, the company assures optimal fit of the corporate and the candidate’s values from the start.

“I was especially impressed by the unrestrained results. First and foremost it was about me, learning something about myself, completely independent of my decision for or against the company as my future employer. This convinced me that I would find an environment for my optimum development.”



A career that matches the individual expectations and fosters strong engagement for the company.

The company is able to recruit more high potentials than before. They are also retained longer as they identify with the company. Due to the cultural fit, they are motivated to give their best. Meaningful employment means something else for each young recruit. For the company the signal is key: We respect the differences of our employees and we use the potential for both sides.